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Strengthening seniors inclusion and participation in Bendigo and Loddon

Working with community groups and organisations to create awareness of the needs of older community members so that these needs could be included in program planning and delivery.

The City of Greater Bendigo and Shire of Loddon project worked with local community groups and organisations to create awareness of the needs of older community members so that these needs could be included in program planning and delivery.

It also strengthened local connections and referral pathways by building community capacity and interagency partnerships.

Wellbeing Teams were established to work with vulnerable community members.

The first was in the Bendigo U3A, which developed a movie morning to bring together people who had trouble accessing the commercial cinema.

The Wellbeing Team also tackled nutrition by hosting lunch after the movie morning.

The project also included library site activation and engagement, and digital literacy programs in Axedale, Inglewood, Elmore and Boort.

Museums Victoria helped to develop reminiscing kits, which the project used to connect seniors with younger members of the community. Author tours and book clubs will be developed in the future.

Training was also developed for clubs, libraries and volunteers to improve understanding of the service system, referral pathways, and accessing My Aged Care.

Two sporting clubs also participated: Woodbury Bowls Club and Eaglehawk Croquet Club.

Key achievements of this project were:

  • training sessions to help groups and volunteers identify the needs of seniors, and refer people to other supports
  • Wellbeing Teams formed at U3A Bendigo and at the Rotary Club of Kangaroo Flat
  • use of the reminiscing kit training from Museums Victoria leading to establishment of a working group to plan programs for seniors, including a ‘memory café’ and outreach reminiscing sessions
  • a group of socially isolated seniors were provided transport to enjoy a ‘memories of childhood’ session, followed by afternoon tea. They loved the reminiscing, sharing of stories and connection with others.

Project Leadership Group

  • Rebecca French, City of Greater Bendigo
  • Sue Harrison, City of Greater Bendigo
  • Paula Yorston, Loddon Shire
  • Jill McArthur, Bendigo U3A
  • Tammy Higgs, Goldfields Libraries
  • Gemma Rayner, Goldfields Libraries
  • Lee Power, Goldfields Libraries
  • Jess Saunders, Goldfields Libraries
  • Shelley Mulqueen, Sports Focus
  • Tamarra Ferguson, Sports Focus
  • Eaglehawk Croquet Club

Project contacts

Rebecca French

Positive Ageing Officer

City of Greater Bendigo

Phone: 03 5434 6000

Email: Link

Reviewed 08 April 2024