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Multicultural information

Victoria is home to one of the most culturally diverse societies in the world. Read more about our diversity and organisations supporting multicultural seniors.

Victoria is home to one of the most culturally diverse societies in the world, and is also among the fastest-growing and most diverse states in Australia.

Indian couple dancing

The 2016 Census showed that almost one third of Victoria's population (28.4%) were born overseas. And almost half of Victoria's population (49.1%) were either born overseas or have a parent who was born overseas.

Victorians come from more than 200 countries, speak 260 languages and follow 135 different faiths.

This diversity enriches us all. It brings new ideas, extends our skills, attracts businesses and makes Victoria a great place to live and work.

Most of the overseas-born Victorians came to Australia as migrants hoping to find a better life for themselves and their children.

CALD (culturally and linguistically diverse) people come from many different countries. We welcome new arrivals in Victoria.

A large number of overseas-born Victorians came to Australia as refugees from conflicts:

  • the Second World War in Europe
  • in Indo-China
  • in the republics of the former Yugoslavia
  • the Horn of Africa
  • the Middle East
  • Afghanistan

Visit the Victorian Multicultural Commission website for more information on our diverse population.External Link

Each of Victoria's 79 local councils have information and services for their unique community.

Stories from the Ethnic Communities' Council of Victoria

The Ethnic Communities' Council of Victoria spoke with inspiring seniors from our diverse communities and asked them to share their COVID-19 vaccination story.

Watch the videos on the Multicultural COVID-19 resources page.

Here are some other organisations that support the diverse needs of older Australians:

  • Specialising in supporting seniors from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds from approximately 50 culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

    Australian Multicultural Community Services (AMCS) provides:

    • care, coordination, referrals and support services
    • community projects,
    • group and respite activities,
    • gentle exercise,
    • support and relief for people experiencing hardship,
    • adult education classes and assistance to migrants seeking employment.

    Visit the website of the Australian - Multicultural Community Services Inc: Link

  • Migrant Information Centre (Eastern Melbourne), has been assisting individuals, families and communities from diverse backgrounds residing in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne to understand Australian life, integrate into a multicultural community and access services since 1999.

    The Migrant Information Centre supports culturally and linguistically diverse people and their families, older people, people with disabilities and their carers, community groups and service providers in the Eastern Region of Melbourne to enhance their settlement and access to services and strengthen their participation within the community.

    Visit the Migrant Information Centre (Eastern Melbourne) website via Link

  • The Migrant Resource Centre North West Region (MRC NWR) is a not-for-profit, community-based organisation serving the North-Western regions of Melbourne, including Brimbank, Hume, Moonee Valley, Maribyrnong, Hobsons Bay, and Melton.

    Established in 1989, we provide the following services:

    • Settlement support services to migrants and refugees
    • Aged care services
    • NDIS services and support services
    • Youth support services
    • Support for community-based projects

    Visit the Migrant Resource Centre North West Region website via: Link

  • Spectrum delivers services to newly arrived and established people with migrant and refugee backgrounds. Working together with diverse communities and individuals to successfully settle in all aspects of community life.

    The range of services include settlement services, community development programs, youth services, parenting and family relationship programs, aged care and disability services.

    Visit the Spectrum Migrant Resources Centre website via Link

  • SMRC is a not-for-profit community based agency providing services to migrants and refugees living in the southern region of Melbourne.

    Through their aged and disability services programs SMRC aim to maximise the well-being of older people and people with a disability including social support programs/groups, outings, positivise ageing programs, carers support program, friendly visiting program, access and support program, centre based respite program and domestic assistance.

    Visit the Southern Migrant and Refugee Centre via Link

  • Chinese Community Social Services Centre Inc (CCSSCI) caters for the chinese-speaking people from various countries, including China, Vietnam, Hong Kong SAR, Malaysia, Indonesia, Cambodia, Taiwan, Singapore, East Timor, Burma, Macau, Laos, Thailand and India.

    CCSSCI provides a range of services including:

    • Community Aged Care support
    • Joyful line
    • Community visitors
    • Residential aged care services

    Visit the website of the Chinese Community Social Services Centre Inc via Link

  • The Polish Community Council’s aims to enrich and enhance the well-being of the Polish-Australian community within the multicultural context of the Victorian community.

    Services include planned activity groups, carers groups, social support, disability group and home care packages program.

    A list of affiliated organisations and senior citizens clubs are available on the PCCV’s website via Link

  • A list of Dutch interest groups, ranging from social clubs to cultural organisations in Victoria and other States and Territories can found The Netherlands and you websiteExternal Link .

Reviewed 04 June 2024