Find information on social and online networks and events, advocacy, resources, care and support in your area.
Friendship and community connections for older LGBTI+ Victorians
Out and About is a free service for older Victorians who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or intersex (LGBTI).
As part of the National Community Visitors Scheme, Out and About's peer volunteers make regular visits to people assessed as eligible for Home Care Packages or living in government funded residential aged care.
Out and About aims to build community connections and reduce isolation by chatting over a cuppa, watching a movie, participating in a hobby, game or any other enjoyable social activity.For infomation on becoming a participant of Out and About:
- Call: 1800 729 367
- Email: outandabout@switchboard.org.au
Visit Out & About's for more information the service.
Alice’s Garage is a social enterprise empowering older LGBTI people.
For more information, visit Alice's Garage .
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex elders and their allies are invited to attend this social event, learn new dances, enjoy delicious catering and drinks, and interact with other LGBTI elders and allies. No dance experience needed. All are welcome. Wheelchair accessible.
For more information, visit the All the Queens men .
LGBTI Elders and Allies Social group (with City of Yarra).
A safe space for older LGBTIQ+ people to meet, connect and be.
The Bent Twig Alliance meets fortnightly in Collingwood.
For more information, contact the City of Yarra Aged and Disability branch on 9205 5555, or the Willowview Centre on 9205 5276.
Find out more, visit the Bent Twig Alliance .
Victoria’s oldest club for older LGBTI community members and their friends, the Boilers Society of Victoria has been operating for over 50 years and is believed to be the oldest gay club operating in Australia.
For more information, visit the Boilers Society of .
Since 1977 Country Network has been endeavouring to provide social networking opportunities to gay and bisexual men regardless of where they may reside. Whether it be sharing a private chat or a public social outing, members can be involved in any way that suits their personal comfort levels.
For more information, visit the Country Network .
Gippsland Rainbow Collective Inc. is committed to the support of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) community of Latrobe Valley and greater Gippsland.
Through increasing awareness of our community through education, advocacy and increased visibility, Gippsland Rainbow Collective Inc. hope to create a more accepting and safer place to live and work for the LGBTIQ people of Gippsland.
For more information, email Gippsland Rainbow Collective Inc.
GV Pride provides support, activities and networking for LGBTI people and friends in the Shepparton, Goulburn Valley, North-East Victorian region.
For more information, visit the GV .
Intersex Human Rights Australia Ltd (formerly Organisation Intersex International Australia or OII Australia) is a national body by, and for, people with intersex variations.
They promote the human rights, self-determination and bodily autonomy of intersex people in Australia.
Intersex Human Rights Australia Ltd engage in systemic advocacy, policy development and community development, and provide information and education. They also run an online support group.
The goals of Intersex Human Rights Australia Ltd are to help create a society where our bodies are not stigmatised, and where our rights as people are recognised.
For more information, visit the Intersex Human Rights .
Living Positive Victoria have a range of programs supporting people living with HIV and peer support and activities program for older people.
For more information, visit the Living Positive .
Mallee Pride is a group of local LGBTIQ+ people and allies who are working together to build a strong, visible and connected LGBTIQ+ community in the Mallee region.
Mallee Pride hold safe and inclusive community events, social gatherings, delivering awareness and education training and advocacy.
For more information, email mallee.pride@gmail.com
Matrix Guild Victoria Inc. was founded in 1992 by a group of lesbian feminists for the benefit of lesbians over forty years of age.
Matrix Guild promote appropriate care and support for older lesbians. They challenge ageism and oppose discrimination. Matrix Guild provide some accommodation in Victoria for older lesbians who are financially disadvantaged.
For more information, visit the Matrix Guild .
Matrix Guild also have a community visitors program for older .
Mature Rainbow are a LGBTI+ Peer Social Support Group (aged 50+) for Maroondah Residents who identify along with their Ally & Friends community.
They meet on the last Friday of each month at Kerrabee at 3-5 Louisa Street, Croydon.
The group provides a support network for LGBTI+ residents aged 50+ to connect in a safe and inclusive space, reduce social isolation and loneliness, build friendships, share stories/information and provide education where needed.
For further information please contact Jan Caton on Phone 9294 5531 or email jan.caton@maroondah.vic.gov.au
The Melbourne Bisexual Network is made up of mental health and advocacy professionals working to improve and promote bisexual+ inclusivity in LGBTQIA+ programs and services.
The network is committed to raise awareness of the unique health and wellbeing issues facing bisexual+ people, and to collectively determine strategies to improving the health, wellbeing and development of bisexual+ people in three areas of service delivery: Education, Community, and Therapeutic Services.
For more information, visit the Melbourne Bisexual Network .
QLife is an Australia-wide free service for people wanting to talk about a range of issues including sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships.
You can speak to a trained LGBTIQA+ peer support worker by calling 1800 184 527.
You can also chat online with a trained LGBTIQA+ peer support between 3.00pm and midnight every day of the week.
This service is for LGBTIQA+ identifying people and those who have questions or concerns about LGBTIQA+ issues, including families, friends, teachers and co-workers of LGBTIQA+ people.
All conversations are confidential, anonymous and non-judgmental.For more information, visit the QLife .
Come and share a casual coffee with other LGBTQIA+ humans. Queer Coffee promotes itself as, 'Quieter than a nightclub, more fun than drinking alone, tastier than almost anything. All ages, all flavours of the rainbow & allies welcome'.
Queer Coffee meets last Sunday of the month from 1 to 3pm at Percy & Percy, Bendigo.
For more information, visit the Queer Coffee Facebook .
Queerspace provides a non-judgemental, queer affirmative counselling service.
Queerspace staff come from one or more of the LGBTIQ+ communities and understand first-hand the importance of chosen family, supportive communities and building resilience.
Queerspace understand asking for help can cause anxiety, especially if it is the first time you or your family have used a counselling or support service.
Queerspace uses a ‘person centered’ and strength focused approach to counselling and case management and we are guided by our client’s needs.
To access Queerspace counselling call 96636733 or fill out the intake form on the .
For LGBTIQA+ Family violence support, including elder abuse, please call 1800542847 (1800LGBTIQ).
Rainbow Door is a free specialist LGBTIQA+ helpline providing information, support, and referral to all LGBTIQA+ Victorians, their friends and family.
You might just be looking for advice, or you may be needing some further support and referrals.
Rainbow Door has been setup during COVID-19 to respond to the ongoing stress of this period. We understand that everyone has different circumstances, and we aim to meet you where you are at, and assist you on your journey.
Rainbow Door is open 10am – 5pm, every day.
Call: 1800 729 367
Email: support@rainbowdoor.org.au
SMS: 0480 017 246
Visit the Rainbow Door -
Rainbow Health Victoria is a program that supports lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) health and wellbeing through research and knowledge translation, training, resources, policy advice and service accreditation through the Rainbow Tick.
Rainbow Health Victoria is located within the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society (ARCSHS) at La Trobe University and is funded by the Victorian government.
Previously called GLHV, Rainbow Health Victoria has been working for over 15 years to deliver positive change for LGBTIQ communities. Rainbow Health Victoria works closely with researchers at ARCSHS on cutting edge research into LGBTIQ health and wellbeing. This includes research development, translation and impact.An integral part of our work is to build partnerships with government, researchers, community, organisations and service providers to create equity and inclusion. For more information, visit the Rainbow Health Victoria .
The Rainbow Tick is a national accreditation program for organisations that are committed to safe and inclusive practice, and service delivery for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) people.
Organisations wishing to receive the Rainbow Tick are required to undergo accreditation against the Rainbow Tick Standards, owned and developed by Rainbow Health Victoria.
There are a range of services including many services supporting older people that have Rainbow Tick Accreditation.
TGD Bendigo facilitates a physically and emotionally safe, engaging, welcoming space for trans and gender diverse people to meet, socialise and belong.
The space is set up in a cafe style environment where guests can engage in conversation or a range of activities available, or just sit quietly and enjoy your cuppa.
For more information email tgdbendigo@gmail.com
Thorne Harbour Health has a long history of working within, and for, the Lesbian, Gay, Bi Sexual, Trans gender, Intersex, Queer and sexuality and gender diverse communities. Thorne Harbour Health remain a community controlled organisation to best serve our community.
Thorne Harbour Health was the Victorian AIDS Council, founded in 1983 during a time of great fear and stigma, born out of community activism in response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. As a result of vast improvements to treatments for HIV, in recent years Thorne Harbour Health have expanded their work within the LGBTIQ communities and offer a broad range of services for the overall queer community.
Thorne Harbour Health has a vast range of services, programs and activities for the LGBTIQ communities regardless of age and HIV status. Our programs and projects and designed to be inclusive of diversity and offer:
- clinical services
- women's health
- gay men's health promotion
- peer education
- indigenous health and wellbeing
- social supports
- counselling
- alcohol and other drug services
- trans health
- family violence
- referral pathways
- HIV services including peer support, nutritional services, case work, legal services, financial assistance, housing support, volunteer and home care, transport assistance and exercise classes.
Please note, some services may be dependant on COVID-19 regulations and are subject to change.
Rainbow Connection
Rainbow Connection is an LGBTIQ specific service for older members of our community. It is designed to reduce social isolation among senior members of our diverse community, with LGBTIQ volunteers providing social support, including home visits and outings to have a coffee and a chat.
Any member of the LGBTIQ community may apply for Rainbow Connection if they are aged 55 or over, are isolated and do not have other support options.
For more information, call (03) 9863 0426 or email rainbowconnection@thorneharbour.org
Please visit the Thorne Harbour for more information.
Transgender Victoria is the leading body for trans and gender diverse advocacy, training, and resource development in Victoria.
Transgender Victoria work to achieve justice, equity and inclusive service provision for trans and gender diverse people, their partners, families and friends.
For more information, visit the Transgender Victoria .
Val’s LGBTI Ageing and Aged Care works to improve healthy ageing pathways, care and visibility of older LGBTI people.
Val’s work directly with service providers and facilitate a network of individuals and organisations to foster an understanding of the histories and experiences of older LGBTI people, and how these may impact access to services and care.
Val’s aims to create safe and inclusive services that recognise and value older LGBTI people.We offer:
- LGBTI inclusive aged care training and professional development opportunities and events
- Resources, information and support regarding the needs and experiences of older LGBTI people, and strategies to becomes LGBTI inclusive
- Subscribe to the Rainbow Health Australia regular
For more information on Val's research-based information, resources and links for workers, policy makers and LGBTI consumers, visit Val's LGBTI Ageing and Aged .
The Victorian Pride Centre celebrates Victoria’s diverse LGBTIQ+ community, paving new directions for its future and honouring its brave, and at times, difficult past.
The Victorian Pride Centre provides an uplifting expression of welcome, engagement and belonging.
For more information, visit the Victorian Pride .
Reviewed 07 January 2025