About Ecostar Double Glazing
If you want to make your Melbourne home more environmentally friendly, reduce energy bills, eliminate outside noise and improve the value of your home, speak to Ecostar Double Glazing about installing uPVC* double glazed windows and doors.
Featuring Ecostar's exclusive Climate Control Glass, designed exclusively for Victoria's climate extremes, Ecostar uPVC double glazing exceeds official energy ratings. Our windows and doors are nearly three times more thermally efficient than any other double glazing product in Australia, and are 10 times more thermally efficient than traditional timber and aluminium single glazed windows and doors.
Ecostar double glazing deflects 82% of the sun's radiant heat (compared to 48% deflection offered by other Australian double glazing products), which improves the thermal efficiency of your home, reducing energy bills and green house gas emissions.
Ecostar uPVC double glazing also improves the appearance of your home, minimises maintenance costs, and reduces intrusive outside noise by up to 90%. All of which add significant value to your home.
Buy from a Melbourne double glazed window and door specialist you can trust
Ecostar Double Glazing is Melbourne's trusted name in uPVC double glazed windows and doors.
At Ecostar we don't sub-contract to external installers. We offer Melbourne home owners a superior installation service from company-employed, fully trained, professional window and door installation specialists.
Ecostar Double Glazing offers award-winning and unrivalled after-sales service, and our 40 years of experience in the European and Australian uPVC double glazing industry enables us to back our product with an unmatched 10-year money back guarantee.
We holds all major Australian and European quality accreditations including Victorian Building Authority Registered Building Practitioner, Australian Window Association, British Standard Institute, Secured by Design and Hot Country Profile.
Trust Ecostar to equip your home with an energy-efficient, sustainable uPVC double glazed solution to Victoria's hot summers and cold winters.
*Please note that UPVC windows and doors are often referred to as PVC windows and doors.
Reviewed 04 April 2024