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Introduction to ChatGPT - Carnegie

Join us for an introduction on ChatGPT.

Learning and Technology Computer and Digital Skills

Event overview

7 Shepparson Ave, Carnegie, VIC 3163
03 October 2024 12:30 am - 03 October 2024 02:00 am

Event details

The idea of Artificial Intelligence (AI) can seem frightening, but more often than not, it can be quite helpful.

Think of it like a conversation with a computer, but instead of talking to a human, you are chatting with a special program that can scour the internet to generate answers.

Join Ready Tech Go for an introduction into the world of ChatGPT.

Learn the basics of this new technology, how it can be used in your daily life, and what things you should watch out for to stay safe.

Suitable for adults. Free event and bookings essential.

Event contact


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Reviewed 20 August 2024