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Creative writing - Thornbury

Develop your writing skills and build confidence with our fun and informative course

Learning and Technology Workshops and Seminars

Event overview

64 Clyde Street, Thornbury, VIC 3071
06 October 2024 10:30 pm - 07 October 2024 01:00 am
Find out more External Link

Event details

Develop your writing skills and build confidence with our fun and informative classes.

The focus is on novel writing, but the skills and techniques learnt can be applied to other styles of writing, such as short stories and personal narratives.

Suitable for beginner to intermediate writers who are happy to give and receive feedback on their work in a relaxed and encouraging environment.

Tania is a writer, editor and tutor published in Australia and internationally.

To register please call 0394801364 or email

Tea, coffee and cool drinks provided.

Event contact


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Reviewed 20 August 2024