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Craft chats and cuppas - Yarra Junction

Drawing, painting, knitting, stitching or crochet, projects already started, any project which is portable

Arts, Culture and Creativity Creative Art and Craft Workshops

Event overview

2463 Warburton Highway, Yarra Junction, VIC 3797
09 October 2024 02:00 am - 09 October 2024 04:00 am
Gold coin donation
Find out more External Link

Event details

Come along and join a group of your fellow like-minded community members, and share your crafting ideas to bring your creative projects to life.

From beginners to experts, together, we can help you find your inner artist.

We have plenty of table space for all your creations, with tea, coffee, and biscuits.

Crafting not for you? Or you don’t have a creative bone in your body?

Come along anyway for a cuppa and a chat. Mingle with others from within your community.

Tea, coffee and biscuits provided.

Event contact


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Reviewed 21 August 2024