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Public Libraries in Victoria

Public libraries are more than stacks of books. They are fantastic social and cultural activity hubs that play an important role in our communities.

What is a Library?

Libraries have been around for thousands of years, from the Great Library of Alexandria constructed around the 3rd century BC to the Harvard Library in the US with some 10 million volumes, the vast collections of knowledge stored in libraries never ceases to astonish.

Public libraries are more than stacks of books. They are fantastic social and cultural activity hubs that play an important role in our communities. Free to attend, open and welcoming to all members of the community, the 275 municipal libraries across Victoria provide spaces for creativity to thrive.

What happens at a Library?

Libraries loan books, movies, audio books.

There are book clubs you can participate in; and computers and wifi you can use. There are kids sessions with Babytime and Rhymetime through to pre-school storytime, library playgroups and lego clubs.

For young adults there resources to help them study, and gaming consoles for computer games.

Some libraries also offer a home library service if you can’t make it in.

How much does it cost to participate?

There are no costs to join, however there may be some fees applicable for additional services, and if you are late returning an item you may be charged a late fee.

How else can you get involved?

You can volunteer in your local library. Talk the staff at your local library to learn what volunteer opportunities are available. Or why not investigate participating in a 'Social Seniors' workshop? Or becoming a Tech Savvy Senior?

How do you find your local library?

To find your local library online visit Link or contact your local council.

Sign to the Library along a walking path

Reviewed 03 May 2024